
assignment pbl 2

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Interviewer : hello. I’m going to ask you a few questions. Is it okay sir ? 

Interviewee : hello. Ouh okay . sure .

Interviewer : First question, where do you obtain your bachelor degree ?

Interviewee : I obtained my bachelor degree at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in the year                       2005.

Interviewer : what is your major during your bachelor degree ?

Interviewee : basically, my major is on control system and my minor is in integrated circuit    design.

Interviewer : so how long did you study for bachelor degree ?

Interviewee : i spend about 4 and a half years but at first I took Petroleum engineering and after one semester i decided to to electronic engineering.

Interviewer : Is it hard ?

Interviewee : If compared too Petroleum engineering, electronic engineering is more convenient because Petroleum Engineering need to go outside often which is                         not suitable for me.

Interviewer : Okay, how long have you been working with the current company ?

Interviewee : I’ve been hired to work in UITM for about 1 year and 5 months if im not mistaken.

Interviewer : What is your job scope ?

Interviewee : As a lecturermy job scope is to make sure the students undrstand the things                         that I teach in class.

Interviewer : Other than UITM, do you have any experience working at another company ?

Interviewee : Yes. Before this after i graduated from USM, I’m a resourse officerin USM for                        Prof. Dr. Mohd Yusof Mansor and after that i moved to MIMOS BHD in Bukit                         Jalil. As a process rnd enginer which is my responsinbility is too maintain and    introduce new process which is i attach for the LPCVD process whisch is under the diffusion process. From this we develeop or fabricated the IC mainly from taiwan and korea customer. In year 2007, i joined a company at Kulei high tech part in Kedah as a process equipment engineer and it is slightly higher task compared to MIMOS. Because i need to maintain two scope of job which is process and equipment. After that i joine a new solar company in the year 2008. It was a German company and i need to attend a training in German and i worked with them for 5 and a half year.

Interviewer : what do you think about this IT based job at the moment ?

Interviewee : in my last experience IT is the core of the bisness. Without IT manufactuing cannot be run. This is because now they use a computer to run the machine. They need a server to run a machine. Manufacturing Execution (MES) is an automated system. So let’s say from one process to nother, they use MES to move from one process to another process without any human interventions. This shows that IT is really important these days. By IT , the future of yours will be bright especially for the communication buisness, they make a profit every second. That’s why I always encourage students to explore more on IT ather than electronic , or power engineering because your future will be much brighter compared to other electrical based engineering.
Interviewer : since you have been working in UITM , what do you think about their students?
Interviewee : in my opinion, if compared to USM, UITM is much better in the ay of learning and teaching. Because during my time in USM, our lecture is in the lecture hall and we need to study by our own. Different from here in UITM where the lecturer will guide the student during the class. So UITM is much better in the scope of way of learning. In term of student engagement student to the lecturer, i think the students are too afraid to ask the lecturer anything they don’t know. For them, it’s better to stay like that rather than go and ask the lecturer.

Interviewer : do you think UITM students could go far in this engineering field ?

Interviewee : generally, not only UITM students, these days students now are lack of communication. I don’t even know why they are afraid to speak in english. In term of communcation skills it was very poor. Your communication skill need to be good to communicate with the audience o others. In terms of knowledge, polytechnic students ae better compared to UITM students. Any question regarding their courses or even general knowledge they could answer it easily.
Interviewer : okay for the last question, what is your hope for UITM students these days ?

Interviewee : my hope for UITM students is, if you got a really good communication skills and really good knowledge, you will achieve a good job afterwards. So any ther questions ?

Interviewer : no thats all si.thank you for answerng all of our questions.

Interviewee : sure welcome.



Assignment PBL